Join us on Sunday, July 21st starting at 4pm at the Judith Fisher Centre with Sheila Harrington as she shares some of the stories found in Voices for the Islands, a new book chronicling the three decade legacy of passionate Salish Sea island residents who have dedicated much of their lives to protecting nature in determined, creative ways.

There will be copies of the book available at the event, but if you cannot attend, you can find it online here.

Taste some of the delights of her inspiring sailing journey as Sheilameets with the dedicated founders and current activists from seventeen of the islands in the Salish Sea who have doggedly protected hundreds of nature reserves, parks and protected places for people and the unique wildlife we share these precious islands with. The book is a tribute to local conservationists-past and present-detailing their outstanding legacy, along with the methods and legal tools that offer waypoints for the future in these challenging times. 

Listen to Sheila Harrington’s interview on CBC’s North by Northwest with Margaret Gallagher here.

“This is an impressive, engaging book. I highly recommend it. If you care about passing nature onward, Voices for the Islands is a must-read that I suspect may inspire you too to join the action.” (Ric Careless, BC Parks Foundation) 

“In these troubling times of climate change and biodiversity loss, Harrington’s book is an uplifting testament to how individuals and communities working together to protect what they cherish can make an incalculable difference.”—Sarah Cox, author of Signs of Life and Breaching the Peace