2021 – a year of restoration & stewardship, while increasing the conservation of land on Lasqueti Island. Here’s a recap of what we’ve done this year. All events included lunches provided by locals.

A big thank you to the volunteers who helped with these great projects in 2021!

·  Held two more spurge purge work parties near the south end fire hall.

·  Completed new public trail at Salish View Nature Reserve.

·  Completed Mt. Trematon Restoration Biodiversity Study proposal and acquired funding for 2021 materials, supplies and paid fence installation work.

·  With Forest Ecologist and member volunteers, completed baseline scientific survey of plant communities of selected restoration sites on Mt. Trematon Nature Reserve.

·  Fenced large 2+ acre exclosure at Mt. Trematon & planted 205 native plants in control areas outside and inside this first exclosure area.

·  Held Annual General Meeting by Zoom, including preparing and providing Annual Report.

·  Installed two new fencing areas at Osland Reserve plus brought 250 native plants to the site.

·  Volunteer watering and monitoring of Salish View restoration fenced area plus planting of 50 additional native seedlings in the exclosure.

·  Completed annual covenant monitoring at all three Nature Reserves.

·  Published three newsletters: Spring, Summer and Winter 2021.

·  Assisted with publicizing, fundraising and conserving Young Point area.

·  Designed, released and summarized results from our 2021 Community Survey.

·  Held three-day Strategic Planning event, preparing for new 2022-25 Strategic Plan

·  Redesigned new website, wrote articles for Lasqueti Local and added content to our Facebook page.

·  Installed Reserve Boundary signs at Salish and Osland Nature Reserves.

Thank you to our volunteers for all their work to sustain and restore nature! In gratitude for the paid fence installers, lunch makers, and restoration specialists.